Svetla Sun Pilates

Pilates teacher Svetla Archard demonstrates an exercise to a pilates studio class. She is sitting on a blue mat and her legs and torso are lifted in a 45 degrees angle to the ground. There is a red soft ball between her feet.

Why should you choose

1-2-1 training?

A drawing of a woman at a one to one training session with a high ponytail and green and orange sports clothes lifting her legs and torso straight up to a 45 degree angle.

Deeper Self-Awareness

A private Pilates session is an effective way to develop a deeper understanding of your strengths and limitations. You’ll be able to identify areas you want to work on, recognise progress, and notice when your posture is slightly off.

One to one training session with a woman pilates teacher Svetla Archard. The woman is lying on a dark grey mat at the Svetla Sun Pilates studio and is lifting one leg with her knee at a right angle. There is a red soft ball under her knee and Svetla is helping adjust her pose.

One-to-one training is more efficient and effective than group exercising. Each individual lesson is designed for your specific needs to meet your personal goals. One-to-one training is also more convenient as it can be scheduled at a suitable time for both parties.

Book your 1-2-1 session

A drawing of a woman attending a one to one training session, lying on her stomach and lifting her torso up, similar to an upwards facing dog pose.

One-to-one Pilates training

One-to-one training is available in person in my studio in South Wales and online via Zoom. The benefit virtual Pilates classes is that it gives you an option to keep your training up and not to cancel when you travel.


If you wish, you can receive a video recording of your session in case you would like to repeat or do some homework.


One-to-one training enhances the relationship and communication between the trainer and the client. Receiving regular feedback is a very important part of the progress, confidence and motivation.

A drawing of a woman in a green top and orange leggings attending a one to one training session and stretching sideways.

First hand immpressions of Pilates and my  teachings  by some of my lovely clients:

Petra's story

"Through working with Svetla I benefitted so much in my mobility and reducing my pain levels." 

Jean's story

"Svetla was great at giving me gentle exercises in the beginning and helping me build my confidence."

Claire's story

"I am diagnosed with ADHD and Aperger's and have struggled with multitasking. Pilates is about multitasking, so practising it has been really good for my brain. "

Deb's story

"I came to Svetla with chronic pain in my whole body. After 4 weeks I am doing things I never ever thought I'd be able to do again."

Book your 1-2-1 session

SINGLE SESSION (30 Minutes)        £28


SINGLE SESSION  (1 Hour)             £53   


COURSE OF 4 SESSIONS (30 Minutes)               

                                                                £100 paid in                                                                                    advance


COURSE OF 4 SESSIONS (1 Hour)                     

                                                                  £198 paid in                                                                                     advance


SHARED SESSION                        £75        



£300 paid in advance

£150 paid in advance




(30 min)



(1 hr) 



(30 Minutes) 





(1 Hour)                                                                              


Personal Pilates sessions cost more than general classes, but my clients feel that an hour of intense individual attention, from a highly qualified teacher, is worth paying a little extra for!                                       

One to one

How much does Personal Pilates cost?

Deb's story


Doing Pilates with Svetla has helped me reclaim my life.


I previously had repeated episodes of debilitating back pain, confining me to bed for several days. Now that I have greater core strength and understand how to move my body more safely, this level of back pain never happens now. If I do have back strain, it is much milder and I can recover within a day or two with the strengthening Pilates exercises Svetla has taught me, and the use of doTERRA deep blue to speed healing. My fibromyalgia has also improved and I am able to do gardening, walking and other activities.


Thanks to Pilates with Svetla, I am stronger now at 81 than I was 15 or 20 years ago.

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1st floor studio

Eagle house, Cowbridge, CF71 7AQ


+44 7584 044674